Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Q&A | Simple Chronicles of Me

It's Tuesday, folks, and everyone knows that Tuesday is a great day to fall in love with a new blogger. Duh. That being said, I'm so pleased to introduce you to Toyota at Simple Chronicles of Me! She's yet another blogger from the UK, and today she's here on Avoiding Atrophy to talk about the important things of life -- things like inspiration, friendship, and of course, Nutella. Here's Toyota:

1. What inspired you to start Simple Chronicles of Me?

I've always loved writing but what actually inspired Simple Chronicles of Me was being rejected by a boy. It just made me think that life was too short to spend time living for the what could have been and as I had always wanted to write a blog then why shouldn't I so I blundered in blissfully unaware of how much hard work blogging is but I love it!

2. What are some of your favorite things to share with your readers?

I share quite a large range of stuff and sometimes I'm sure people must just think "too much information woman!!!" so I'm not sure if I can pick a favourite but I love sharing book reviews as I love reading

3. What/who inspires you (in life, or as a blogger, or both)?

Mulan, my mumma and Nutella - strong, independent, sassy, delicious (oh wait that's just Nutella)

4. If you had to pick two recent posts that truly represent the Simple Chronicles of Me spirit, which posts would you choose and why?

I'd pick my Organisation Plan post as this really represents what I want my 2015 to be about and hopefully inspires someone else to get organised. I would also pick my post about The Reasons I Love Winter as 1) it includes a picture of me as a cute kid and 2) it reminds me to be less negative!!

5. When you aren't blogging, what might we find you doing?

When I'm not blogging I am generally working (massive workaholic!!) and I'm now starting an Open University degree so that doesn't leave me much time for anything other than sleeping but I also love to read, watch movies, take pictures, drink fruit cider and chat to my besties.

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