Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Lilac Linnet | Q&A

Oh my, this is a good one, friends! Today I have the privilege of introducing you to Llinos from The Lilac Linnet. If you've read her blog, then you already know that she hails from the UK and that she is full of joy, wisdom, and some seriously legit cookie recipes. If you've not read her blog, then today you are in for a treat! Llinos is here today to answer a few of my questions, so sit back and get to know your new best friend.

1. What is the story behind The Lilac Linnet? How did you get your start in the blogging world?

I simply thought that blogging looked like a lot of fun and a great way to create a writing practice. I wanted somewhere to document my projects and interests and to make new friends in the blogging community. I am also very candid about my experiences of cancer and depression, in order to raise awareness of these issues. I love every minute of blogging! My name is Welsh for 'linnet', so coupled with my favourite colour, you have my blog name.

2. Tell me all about Cardiff! I'd love to know what makes your city special.

I love living in Cardiff, it's definitely one of the most vibrant cities in the UK. I love exploring the variety of shops and eateries, the proud history and how close we are to nature and the mountains. It's a great place to sample the unique Welsh culture!

3. What/who inspires you (in life, or as a blogger, or both)

As a blogger I am inspired by lifestyle bloggers, vloggers and BookTubers. I always feel so motivated after watching videos or reading blogs and it makes me keen to get writing for my own! In life I am inspired by authors who bring their wonderful stories to life, women like Malala and celebrities like Emma Watson who support important causes.

4. If you had to pick two recent posts that truly represent the Lilac Linnet spirit, which posts would you choose and why?

This post is what I hope to achieve with my blog this year, and it makes me really excited to read back over it. It's definitely a good time to become a reader, I can promise that lots of fun is on the way!

This post explains why I support the #TakeBackWhatsYours campaign, by reclaiming my self assurance from the crippling anxiety which has consumed me recently. It's a really empowering mission and demonstrates the power of blogging.

5. When you aren't blogging, what hobbies might we find you pursuing?

I have lots of hobbies; I believe in pursuing what you love. I'll be going for a run, writing my novel, crocheting a blanket or reading a history book!

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Also, to get your own Q&A on Avoiding Atrophy (and other opportunities), head HERE

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