Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Why I Love My Meat Sack

I posted the following image last night on Instagram, and I thought it might be a good idea to share it here too:

You know what? I'm honestly a big fan of this body of mine. 🙆 Is that an okay thing to say? I think it should be. Whenever I catch myself getting all nitpicky about body business, I like to reflect on all of the things this bod allows me to do. This last month, my body gave me the chance to hike up a mountain, splash in a river, cycle underwater, cycle not underwater, power through hot yoga, deliver meals on foot to people in need, venture through a massive sculpture park, trek through NYC with my family, walk up countless subway station stairs, and jump around like a maniac on a beach. If you're struggling to figure out what's good about the meat sack you're scooting around the earth in, remember that the fact that you can do stuff with it is pretty damn cool. ❤️💃🏄🚴🚣 Also, PS. Hope you don't mind me referring to your body as a "meat sack."
A photo posted by christyoshoney (@christyoshoney) on

Now, I don't typically use my Instagram as a platform for posting pictures of myself in a bikini. But for some reason, I just felt called to share this particular one. It was taken the other day at Jones Beach out on Long Island. Something you should know about me: whenever I go to the beach, I pretty much immediately go into full-on toddler mode. I jump around like a madwoman, do cartwheels, karate chop the ocean, and just act like I've never seen a body of water before in my entire life. This particular day, I was in rare form toddler-wise, but honestly, I couldn't help it. The place was practically empty, the water was glittery and perfect, I had a giant bag of Munchies that was giving me life, and I was just really, really happy.

When I got home and looked back at all of the pictures from the day, I couldn't stop laughing at this weirdo running around the beach like a rabid animal. But as I continued scrolling through, I also had another thought: Damn, I look good.

It feels like such a scandal to say that. On this blog, I've talked about my views on body image, I've shared my actual weight, and I've also talked about why it's important to boldly enjoy things about yourself. And still, despite all of my pontificating on the importance of loving the person you are, I recognize that it's a really difficult idea.

But here's what I know: when I see a picture of myself smiling, laughing, and using my body to do fun things that I enjoy -- I just...I think I look good, okay? There are tons of things I could pick apart about my meat sack (by the way, henceforth, I will be subbing the word "meat sack" for the word "body" because I just like it better and I feel like I'm getting repetitive here), but honestly my meat sack enables me to do some really cool stuff. It is not THE most important thing about me, not by a long shot, but it is pretty damn important. From where I stand, it's a gift to be able to haul this thing all over the world. It's strong and soft and short in some places and long in others, and I love it because it's mine. If my meat sack were differently-shaped, I'd certainly find things to love about it, too. But regardless, the good Lord gave me this one meat sack with which to build my life, and I'm not going to act like I'm not totally psyched about it.

So if you've been struggling with your meat sack lately, perhaps it's time to reframe the way you think about it. Don't think about what it is or isn't, but instead think about what it does. Maybe you can jump, kick, dance, or parkour your way up the Empire State Building. If so, whoa, that's amazing. Or maybe you can't do any of those things, but you can breathe in and out, laugh, write, blink in morse code, GROW A HUMAN INSIDE OF YOU, etc. While you may not always realize it, all of those things are pretty amazing too.

Now, that being said, it's totally okay if you want to change some things about your meat sack. Seriously, don't feel guilty if you don't wake up every morning, shouting, "I'M PERFECT JUST AS THE WAY I AM!" But all the while, know that you get points for just existing, so even if it bulges out in places you wish it didn't or it has scales or whatever, show your meat sack some love. It's gotten you this far, after all.

Why do you love YOUR meat sack?


  1. i just had my second baby. my meat sack has a few more stripes and jiggly bits than it did before, but i grew two humans! my meat sack is awesome! thanks for writing this, it really put things into perspective! also, cute bikini!

    1. I love this! This comment inspired me to make an edit to this post to include growing a human as one of the coolest things you can do with your meat sack. Congrats on making two people who I'm sure are awesome!

  2. I am pregnant for the first time and I've never been more proud of my body or what it can do!! I'm swollen and round and stretched and I'll probably be extra-squooshy and flabby after I'm actually holding the precious little life growing inside me right now. But I am totally okay with that. :) Thanks for this post! I love it! And you are gorgeous, btw.

    1. Thanks Jaime! You are growing a person with your meat sack! That is just way too cool.

  3. This is just delightful, and made me so thankful for the "meat sack" I've been blessed with. It's amazing, and I need to appreciate it so much more rather than complain about it. Thanks for this post!!

    1. Thanks Katie! This is one of the more fun life lessons I've been learning as of late. Glad it was helpful to you too!

  4. Why can't all blog posts be about body-positivity - because it really is the best! :) Thank you so much for this amazing post, and for spreading good vibes!

    1. Glad the good vibes were palpable in this post :) Thanks, Morgan!


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