1. I love the name "Insert Classy Here"! Can you elaborate on why you chose it as well as what it might imply about your blog?
While doing this whole growing up thing, the word classy has always been a word I want people to describe me as. When I started blogging, I figured it might be easiest just to include it in the title and magically I would be super classy. Get it? Insert classy here? Well, it's not that easy. I wear sweatpants, eat pizza rolls and I don't really understand the difference between a red wine glass and a white wine glass (I just like big glasses.) I write about my life and the things that I'm figuring out on my lifelong journey to become a little more classy.
2. You're currently an east coaster and a lover of NYC. What do you love about living here (or nearby, rather)?
I am from St. Paul, Minnesota and spent my entire life living in the Midwest. I visited Boston for my first time about 9 years ago and knew I belonged on the east coast. I love the road trip options here. We just went to Smuggler's Notch, VT for the weekend to ski. How cool that you don't have to drive 14 hours to get anywhere cool? I love the food, the speed of life, the food, the energy, the food and the people. I live in Jersey right across from Manhattan and every day I fall in love with that beautiful skyline all over again. Lastly, I love that in the dead middle of winter, I am required by law to have someone else pump my gas while I stay in my warm car. God bless Jersey.
3. Besides blogging, what is one of your favorite ways to spend your time?
I'm an explorer - like Lewis & Clark style. It can be getting lost in the city and finding a new neighborhood or hiking a brand new trail or road-tripping to a little town that we read about in some travel magazine - I love it all.
4. What are two post you've written recently that you particularly enjoy?
The Perception of Me is a different kind of "about me" post. I also came up with My Blogging Wishlist and admitted that social media makes me feel super awkward and awesome at the same time.
5. What/who inspires you in life?
Wow, this is tough. I think it's difficult to answer because there isn't one thing or person that really sticks out to me. I walk away from most experiences feeling inspired to better myself, work harder, get healthier and be kind to others. I'm inspired by people who work their tails off and still have fun in life. I'm inspired by people who aren't afraid to fall down sometimes. You just have to observe and be aware of your surroundings and you can find inspiration all over the place.
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