Oh, and obviously, bloggers, link it up!
Hey there all you Avoiding Atrophy readers! I'm Katie from Something Winnderful and I'm taking over the blog today! I've been hanging out on the sidebar for awhile and I'm excited to share a post with you all! Today I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you all about Love It Forward. It is a linkup I will be hosting twice a month along with Chasing Happy and As Always, Kara. But it's much more than just a linkup. It's a whole idea that each one of us can in some way spread more love into the world. We are working to create a community of bloggers (and anyone else) dedicated to sharing the love and inspiring others to do the same. So what exactly does that mean? We are encouraging everyone to do some sort of loving act every two weeks (or more!) and then share it in a post. YOU have the ability to brighten someone's day, whether it be from sharing a smile or paying for their food. The opportunities are endless. We want to encourage you to be creative and help inspire others to take action. Not sure how to share some love? Keep reading for some ideas.

- Do their least favorite chore for them.
- Make the 52 weeks of dates craft.
- Leave love notes in places they will be found, such as coat and pants pockets.
- Fill their car up with gas.
- Watch whatever movie or tv show they want to watch....and don't complain.
- Cook them dinner. Your parents spent 18 years making sure you didn't starve, might as well show some appreciation.
- Treat them to something nice that they would never buy for themselves.
- Send them a letter. Who doesn't want to get mail that isn't a bill?
- Say thank you and tell them you love them. Your parents and sibling(s) dealt with you from the day you were born, I'm sure it wasn't always rainbows and butterflies. Make sure they know how much they mean to you.
- Send them a letter. Again, who doesn't like getting mail?
- Baby sit their kids. I don't have children yet, but I understand the importance of getting away from them sometimes.
- Bake them some treats.
- Don't judge or criticize. It becomes easy to give our opinions to our friends, regardless of how positive or negative those opinions may be. Remember to take it easy on them during the times you think they are acting a little crazy.
- Send them a box subscription to try. Birchbox? Stitch fix? I don't really know what those are, but they exist and people like them.
- Pay for the person's meal in the car behind you in the drive through. A person did this for me once and it was so wonderful.
- Even better, leave a gift card at the register of a store and have the cashier use it on customers until it runs out.
- Leave several Operation Beautiful notes in the dressing rooms at the mall.
- Feed the parking meter for the person after you when you leave.
- Buy yourself some earrings from Forever 21. They'll be cute and less than $4.
- Have a night to yourself. Send your man on a night out with the bros and stay in and pamper yourself.
- Start a gratitude journal. It's harder to be negative when you take the time to list all the positives you have in your life.
- Meditate. It doesn't have to be sitting criss cross apple sauce humming kumbaya. Just take a few minutes to be comfortable and enjoy the silence. Don't think about what you should be doing and solely focus on your breathing and relaxing your muscles.
- Don't be so hard on yourself. We are our own worst critics, make sure you give yourself a break every now and then.
How will you love it forward?

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