Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Shellhammer

Quick reminder: The 10 Things I Like About Myself Link-up is still very much active!

The woman I am about to introduce you to is not only one of my most recent sponsors, but she is also one of my greatest joys since moving to New York City. This is my dear, sweet, fantastic, funny, classy, and gorgeous friend, Alex. She is a gem in-person, but guys, you've seriously got to check out her blog, The Shellhammer. I cannot recommend it highly enough. It's full of Alex's beautiful insights, unique photographs of life in New York City, wedding inspiration (she's getting married this summer!), and just so much joy. For a glimpse of what she does best, be sure to see her contribution for yesterday's link-up. 

Today, she's answering some questions about her life as a blogger, so check it out, fall in love, and then head on over to The Shellhammer and tell her I said hey!

1. Describe the focus of The Shellhammer as well as what got you interested in blogging in the first place.

Words constantly present themselves to me and have ever since I can remember. Not always well, not always eloquently, but they are there dying to be written down in some capacity. In college, I started reading a select few blogs, in between my “studies”. I would write in random journals that you will now find peppered throughout my apartment. Once I moved to New York and was starting to feel comfortable, I began reading many blogs and idea generation just came to me. I was far away from home, I was loving my job and the city and I wanted to tell my mom about it. So The Shellhammer was born. “Silly talk,” which is the sub-title, comes from my favorite childhood book that my mom used to read to us called Rain Makes Applesauce, which is just a bunch of silly talk. And it’s grown, organically and beautifully. It’s been a place of comfort for me to know that I can always write to my readers and they will listen in their way. My intentions are to keep it light and focus on things I love: New York, happiness, weddings, eating. It’s a bit vague but no one has just one interest. And as you’ll see below, this world inspires me.

2. As a lover of NYC, what would you say draws you to this unique city?

A slight confession: New York was never somewhere I wanted to live. I was (and still am) a Chicago girl at heart (or, as it is the dead of winter, a west coast girl). But when I met Josh, he already had a job lined up here after graduation. After two years of dating distance, it only made sense for me to give myself to New York. It wasn’t immediate, but the city began to grow on me. All of the nooks and crannies that reveal themselves over time are enchanting. There is always something new to see, some exotic food to eat, someone new to learn about. The city is in a constant state of changing and rebuilding so it never gets old. Now I feel like the city is my best friend – it teaches me more and more about the type of person I am and the type of person I want to be. It pushes me, annoys me and allows me to grow to the point where I call this place home.

3. You have a few lovely posts on planning your wedding. How is that going for you?

Planning your own wedding is far more delicate than most people think. Whether you are eloping at city hall or throwing a true bash, there are certain aspects each couple wants to portray on that day. It is the culmination of who you are and where you will be headed for the rest of your life. To me, the marriage itself should be the main focus because that is pure beauty bundled up in a few vows. It makes me nervous and excited to fully immerse myself into life with Josh. Because this is the way we both feel, we are holding a private ceremony in Big Sur, California to dive in with our immediate families. But, because this is such a huge leap in our lives, it would not be complete with a little (or big) celebration where we grew up in Ohio. So, of course, a bash will be thrown so we can let loose and celebrate. We are excited to have all of the people who have impacted us in one place to have an amazing night and I am trying my best to release the pressure of it being perfect. But every bride feels that – so just know I want you to be having a good time.

4. What are two posts you've written recently that you are particularly excited about?

I write a lot about New York and different places and pictures it has to offer but my favorite series comes almost every Monday to start the week in a good mood. Good Mood Monday represents who I am better than any other post. It’s filled with small adventures and moments that continue the joy in my heart and I love sharing that with people. I also love posting about weddings. As an event planner (corporate), I have always found myself gravitating around weddings and how beautifully unique each one is. I love highlighting different ideas and inspiration on the blog. (Most Wednesdays!)

5. What/who inspires you?

Gosh, I pull inspiration from everywhere and I truly believe that everyone should – a conversation with a friend, a walk down 10th Street, a dramatic experience. I personally feel the most creative when I am part of nature. Somehow being placed in the beauty of natural, Godly creation for spurts of time calms me so my mind can open. I love taking short trips out of the city to open that part of me. I pull from the city as well. Manmade creations are just as majestic sometimes, and truly give me a sense of belonging and building. It’s inspiring what this city can do for people. Speaking of people, I’m constantly inspired by them as well. By both new cultures and asking questions of those I already know. My siblings and parents who I watch immerse themselves in their passions. Josh, my fiancé, who works harder than anyone I have ever met. My dear friends who each have these unique abilities to bring out the best in those around them. And strangers, who write blogs and books and anecdotes that make me laugh and cry.

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